Monday, December 27, 2010


Make your Dream Reality

Q - What is a Celestial Soul Portrait?

A – I call it a Vision of your Higher Self. It is an image I create for someone on my computer that is a synthesis of their earthly personality and a possible celestial or spiritual personality.

Q – What is a celestial personality?

A – An aspect of your higher self or ascended nature. A part of you that may exist beyond our local space-time domain. It also may be a past or future life or even a parallel reality that one exists within.

Q – What if a person doesn’t believe in spiritual reality or is an atheist? Can they also get a celestial soul portrait?

A – They can look at the portrait as pure fantasy or wish fulfillment. Perhaps they secretly wish they were a super –hero or have some resonance with a mythological or historic figure. The sky is the limit and beyond as to the subject of a soul portrait.

Q – A lot of your images appear to have an trans-world or other-dimensional aspect to them. Why is this?

A – I’ve spent a good deal of my time investigating as an artist/explorer and writer these types of phenomena. If you view the other work on my website you’ll notice an emphasis on the Celestial Realms as well as other possible Galactic Civilizations.

Q – I see. It also appears that you tend to focus more on the positive and beautiful aspects of art and life as opposed to the less savory levels.

A – Yes, I find that it keeps me uplifted and sailing through things that may otherwise get me down. I do have more edgy work, but I seem to have a mission to bring out more of the Divine Beauty that touches me so deeply in my own Visions and Dreams. With this said I also hope to heal and inspire people in order that they might heal and inspire others.

Q – I was wondering if there is a possibility that by showing a person a more beautified version of themselves, that you may be falling into the same trap as the Madison Avenue Advertising Industry? You know, The Hollywood ideal of living forever in a young person’s body.

A- Well, here’s how I see it. There is without a doubt an age old human dilemma involving aging and dying. Not all humans have this dilemma, but it appears the high tech global world of mass media surly does. The whole idea of the Fountain of Youth is another question we can deal with later, but for now I will say this. In deep dream-visions I’ve seen friends and family in a highly romantic light. That is they appeared to me as I “imagine” them to be, or as I “see” them in my mind. Another way of putting it is that in Heaven everyone is beautiful. In this dream state it felt like I was in a higher-vibrational phase-space where the true beauty of everyone was seen on the outside, not just on the inside.

It could be that this ideal we have of stopping time at a given magical moment in our physical lives, to be this way forever, is linked to other parallel realms where this is actually happening.

Now there is the question of those of us who may not be the physical ideal at our very best, or have a handicap of some kind. The true spiritual or soul beauty of someone is not always seen on the outside. Yet within they may contain a radiance of pure beauty that if seen outwardly could blind one with it’s shear brilliance! My whole idea concerning the portraits is to show this inner fire of life’s passion that is alive and yearning for expression. Perhaps it is our Soul’s Purpose magnified in a way that cannot be denied! And to see it on a regular basis could have some very positive affects on our spirit. J

Q- Thanks so much! It was great talking to yourself for this interview!

A- Your most welcome!


Do you have an etheric double that exists within the timeless realms of the Divine Imagination?

In creating the portraits I blend the "real" with the "imaginary" or "spiritual". It is a synthesis of the person's earthly and celestial personalities. The soul has reasons for being here we know not of, and yet there are some things we can do to further the unfolding of our Soul's Destiny. These portraits can help you expand the idea of who you are and possibly reveal new frontiers in your journey.


- The process -

First we start with a communication either by phone or e-mail. I'll ask you for some pertinent information about yourself, such as passions in life, or dreams of the future. Perhaps even a sub-personality you'd like to see revealed. This way I can get an "impression" of your energy and some possibilities for the portrait. Things like favorite colors, shapes, and other preferences can be a part of this inquiry. I ask for a recent photo and/or one that you feel captures your the essence most. I then use the picture as a base to and begin adding the symbolic aspects of your "higher" being or "imaginative" self to create your Celestial Soul Portrait.



- A Vision of your Higher Self –

Beyond our local ‘everyday world’ are the Eternal Worlds of Spirit.

Some call it the Divine Imagination. It is a place where Universal Archetypes, the Collective Unconscious, and a host of other intangible phenomena exist, including Myths and Fairy-tales.

Each of us is connected to these Inner Worlds. It is there that we are ‘bigger than life’ and a part of a much larger dimension of being. Some people find evidence of this in their dreams.

You might say that I use my ‘celestial eyes’ to see with you into this larger world, and bring back images and ideas to help create a portrait that is both healing and inspiring. How is it healing you may ask? Most of us at one time or another has felt isolated from society and our planet. As though we were somehow separate from the historical narrative that we’re all a part of. History is our collective story and is supposed to reflect our journey through time and circumstance. I’ve created the portraits to show how each one of us is involved in a deeper story than we usually believe about ourselves. This Vision of your Higher Self can help bridge the gap between your mortal life and your infinite imagination. This is in part why we go to the movies, in order to experience a more fantastic reality. We identify with the characters that battle Dragons or soar through the air.

So together we can create a more fantastic you. It's a kind of celestial make-over J.