Saturday, November 26, 2011

Soul Portrait Holiday Editions!

Celestial Soul Portrait Holiday Editions!
50% off of the basic portrait now until January 2012.
$150 custom portraits by Erial for only $75.
Contact the artist for details...

Portrait of Carol Ortiz

Carol told me that her "Power Animals" were the hummingbird, hawk, and whale, so I incorporated these elements into her portrait.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holiday Portraits by Erial

Two examples of Holiday Portraits.
I can use a family portrait to work from or individual pictures that I place together as in this case. I was given the individual pictures of the family members, placed them together in a pleasing arrangement, and then did my "magic" to bring them alive in a holiday kind of way!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nick the Clown Prince of thunderbolts and fun

Coming into the Season of Halloween and the Festival of Masks is an appropriate time to do this exceptionally fun portrait of Nick.

Ha ha, he he, and a jolly good time! And yet there is a subtle twist to this depiction, as though he has a secret he may or may not be giving up any time soon...hmm. :)))